Link to Scale for each dimension.
reasons for starting the journey
- The beginning may have been:
- a disclosure to a counselor
or a family member or friend
- a memory surfaced spontaneously
- you may have become tired of intrusive memories
- or you wanted to resolve the cause of the symptoms.
- you've kept your memory of csa to yourself
and now the pain exceeds the shame.
The Journey
each survivor has ones own recovery road.
there are many variables
and many dimensions
this site is designed
to conceptualise
and to facilitate navigation
by providing known alternatives
and providing for the unknown alternatives
unfortunately many researchers
look at the correlation of two variables
this then invalidates the experience of survivors
who have other more relevant variables.
any model should be adaptive
Many survivors report much benifit from therapy from a psychologist
or counselor or a sexual assault counselor.
Perhaps it is because I am a survivor of early childhood (pre cognative)
sexual trauma, perhaps other survivors also found that cognative therapy has it's limits.
without dismissing such therapy,
as I walked along my journey of recovery I found I needed an interdisciplinary approach.
I also found that most University Degrees in Psychology do not have units in trauma.
My conclusion was that Trauma Release Counseling should be an interdisciplinary Masters Degree,
which has units in multiple Health Care Treatments to facilitate referals to other health care professionals,
where trauma release therapists work as a team.
Trauma release Counseling would also have units for multiple types of trauma:
- trauma experienced by soldiers
- the trauma from a car accident
- industrial trauma
- domestic violance trauma
- sexual trauma
- other forms of trauma.
The interdisciplinary team might include Health Care and Para Health Care Professionals such as:
- sexual assault counsellors ( a Masters Degree or Graduate Diploma in sexual assault counselling )
- Psychologists or Social Workers
- remedial (trauma release) massagers or physiotherapists
- music therapists
- EFT or Tapping
trauma informed Clergy for survivors who find comfort in our religion.
secular modernities for those who prefer a secular approach.
- our local GP - Doctor and specialists we might be referred to.
- Dentist
- Optometrists
- Gastroenterologist ( who performs a colonoscopy )
- Urologists
- other professionals who treat us.
Link to
Issues of sexuality
I have noticed consistantly that issues and questions of sexuality
are the most asked questions and topics commented on by male survivors.
Sexuality is a dimension of it's own which I hope to attempt to sensitivly write up later.
Whilst these questions can be embarrasing they are important and relevant to explore.
A few observations and my own modeling:
it is the prevailing view that one is born with ones sexuality.
my own observation is that when I was sexually traumatised
I became sexually disorientated as in confused.
the sexually traumatised version of the disorientation experienced during concussion.
this could be due to the very early age it occurred and my response "what happened"
and because it was sudden and brutal.
Male on male sexual abuse causes much confusion, much speculation.
- Gay survivors often comment "sexual abuse does not make you gay."
- Heterosexual male survivors struggle with intrusive memories
of acts of sexual abuse contrary to ones sexual orientation.
sexualness issues ( a term I invented to define the capacity for sex):
- sexualisation and a desire of many survivors for desexualisation
- sexual addiction
there are dimensions within the dimension of sexuality.
in recent years ex ex gay therapy survivors have reported great harm
as a result many governments are banning reparative or ex gay therapy.
those who run these programmes have brought confusion into the discussion.
I struggle to find non triggering termonology .
however many survivors struggle with these questions and so as sensitivly as possable
I will attempt to work through them.
I have been a member of a few survivor forums for over ten years.
my views have been refined
whilst needing to meet my own needs of recovery
This complexity is a major reason for my proposal for multi dimensional modeling.
to attempt to avoid forming correlations relevant to some survivors but not others.
I emplore researchers and counselors and survivors not to argue from the particular to the general.
neither to impose the general to all t the exclusion to the exceptions.
I include abondonment with great sorrow.
However in a recent consultative meeting
I summarised my years of recovery in one word "abondonment".
1) My 1997 diary records my early attempts at finding support
for me as a male adult survivor starting my journey of recovery.
I was referred from one organisation to another to another
by people who did not check out organisations before putting them on a data base.
2) therapists who impose their model regardles of weather it fits or not.
3) therapists who do not provide book lists or references.
4) Those who are doing research are not popularising their work
as is done in other faculties.
5) our health care professionals and counsellors not feeding back observations or the effectiveness of treatments
particularly adaption to sexually traumatised clients / patients.
6) a need for health care professionals to be more trauma informed
7) I personally would like to see greater interaction between clergy and psychologists.
there is room for a more integrated approach
parallel to psychologists providing a secular approach to survivors who want a secular approach.
However it is not helpful for those of us who find comfort in our religion
to not have an integrated support team .
There are examples of such integration in America,
I apologise for the inadequacy of my referencing.
hopefully over time I will rectify this deficiency
sexual assault counselling
1) as survivors we are survivors of sexual abuse
sexual assault counseling should be recognised as a unique discipline.
2) Whilst it is not uncommon for survivors to experience mental health issues
many of us do not
many of us have university degrees
many of us are Professionals.
in the past data was collected at intake in drug and alcohol rehab centres
and jails. this produced data from a limited group of survivors
which was incidental data.
The Australian Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse
held 8,000 private hearings from a wide range of survivors many of us high functioning.
I have argued that sexual assault counseling should not be sen as a mental health issue.
the impact of sexual trauma impacts far more than cognative functionality.
hence I have argued for a neuro physiological perspective interacting with many disciplines.
3) Whilst many survivors adopt addictive behaviour to numb the pain
not all of us do
4) Male survivors have historically under reported.
60% of survivors who disclosed to the Royal Commission were men
mainly middle aged men many of whom disclosed csa for the first time.
5) I emplore researchers to be more collaborative with us.
Let us ask the questions in addition to the questions you ask.
let us identify the issues in addition to those you identify.
Sexual Abuse
see blow for details
Sexual Trauma
I invented this myself
after seeing the benifits of trauma release.
My experience during csa
was I was severely traumatised.
like an earthquake vibrating through a building.
I figured that if I was traumatised
then it is conceptually possable
to be detraumatised.
one can also be retraumatised .
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is the term used in
the Criminal Justice System
to describe the crime
The existance of a crime
necessitates the existance
of a victim.
However one can be a victim
in the criminal justice system
and a survivor at the same time.
The Royal Commission acknowledged
that we are survivors which was a great progress.
Dimension - Sexual abuse
Defining Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Abuse is an abuse of power
- a power imbalance
- Sexual abuse is a Marxist Concept
- sexual abuse belongs to the
faculties of sociology and Criminology
eg the abuse of power
the breach of duty of care
sexual assault counseling is a different field.
Context of sexual abuse
- age of the child when csa occurred
- the position of power of the abuser
- the response of institutions to disclosures of csa
- response of family members to domestic sexual abuse
Resolution through Justice.
- making a statement to the Police
- disclosures to the institution or ones family
- the necessity of support services to balance the power
- the role of Victims Services
- responses of the criminal legal system
- responses of the Civil Legal system.
- the need for and results of Royal Commissions.
- restitution,
- Redress systems
- insurance companies
- Compensation through legal action in the Civil Courts.
- Sexual abuse is an injustice
hence it needs justice to correct the injustice.
Dimension - Sexual trauma
I am using the term sexual trauma to describe
the neuro physiological impacts of sexual abuse:
- cognitive impacts - treated by psychologists
- right brain impacts - the emotions, the limbotic system etc
- physiological - trauma in the body, in particular the muscles.
treated by physiotherapists
and remedial massagers and kensiologists
reflexology etc.
sexual trauma impacts on the soul.
those who find comfort in ones religion need Pastoral Care
from trauma informed Clergy and Chaplains.
prayer and comfort of the scriptures.
sexual abuse impacts on the Spirit.
(email nathan@aussiesurvivors for details)
those who prefer a secular approach may use
meditation, mindfullness etc.
music as therapy
art as therapy
theatre as therapy
sport as therapy
gardening as therapy
From therapy to hobby as part of a well adjusted life.
we start to appreciate the value of music, the arts, gardening, sport (including walking) religion or non religion as part of living life
About the Multi Dimensional Model
As survivors of sexual trauma walk down our recovery road,
we often put factors onto a scale (one dimensional)
it is not uncommon for professionals and researchers to make assumptions or observe correlations based on the intersection of two scales.
However it is suggested that the point of intersection varies from survivor to survivor and that a multi dimensional model may be more appropriate.
To do this effectively would require programming skills beyond my use of web site creators however it is hoped that these pages may illustrate the concept where the position of each survivor on each scale for each dimension is independent of the other thus not excluding the existence of minorities or a typical permutations.
When I was studying anthropology
I remember my lecturer told us not to use simplistic solutions to solve complex problems.
Sexual abuse and sexual trauma are complex
and therefore our response needs to incorporate the complexity
and diversity.
I have sought to break it up into dimensions and issues
for professionals and survivors to find managable.
The multi dimensional model is not written to be read through
but to locate issues and parts of the journey of individual survivors
as they arise and work it through.
I emplore readers not to use a point on an dimension to be predictive
because for many of us nothing is predictive
because of other variables which may or may not be present.
likewise we should avoid being prematurely or presumptively
prescriptive. ..
Link to Multi Dimensional Model Scales.