Intrusive memories
I found my journey of recovery
was and is regularly disrupted
by intrusive
or triggered memories.
some used to say
"you are easily destracted"
not by choice.
in those days my memories of csa
were locked in the vault
yet even then
the memories could be triggered
and destract me
or set me on a tangent
to some I was avoidant.
not so.
during my university studies I poured energy
into reading texts and journals and field studies
into writing my essays
So how do I deal with intrusive memories?
I set out to process them
I find a resolution.
I have found survivor helplines
can sometimes answer my question
or to identify the issue.
though some recommend returning to the present.
I think I find releasing the trauma from the
initial memory required much effort
but it's worth it.
I do rely on God's help.
and my drive to know.
other's find triggered memories painful
than so many survivor helplines use returning to the present I assume many survivors find this helpful.
overcomming denial
the first issue I faced was overcoming denial.
I was having general counseling
I knew I had a hidden problem
one day a memory bubble surfaced
I suddenly recalled that at 14 the Dept Principal of my High School
had locked me in his office and after the pretext chat he indecently asaulted me.
my memories of csa were locked in a memory vault at the end of a long dark tunnel guarded by guilt and shame.
in face my mum had put bolts on the outside.
later during a survivors recovery group in my church a psychologist mentioned shame
I prayerfully resolved to break the shame barrier
when 12 years ago my mum disclosed a few basic facts eg that I was taken to the perps house
and on return "you had behavioural problems for three days"
I suggested that was out of character and that that was sirens and searchlights.
the memory door opened and memories flooded out
after during a survivors recovery group in my church a psychologist mentioned shame
I prayerfully resolved to break the shame barrier
overcoming denial has been an ongoing issue for me
which was good, because I was not overwhelmed overcomming one denial at a time
I had Pastors praying for me
I was seeing counselors
and I was on Survivor Forums.
* I find overcoming denial to be an ongoing issue.
less now
in my early stage of walking my path of recovery
I found there were walls to tear down
walls I was hiding behind.
during covid-19 restrictions I found I retreated to my cave.
one experience was I was in a dark cave
then a ray of light came in
I looked outside - there was a lush green field
eventually I opened the door and let God come in
I invited Him to shine His light
and a clean my cave.
and He gave me the courage to go outside.
( sorry I mixed my metaphores)
maybe I'm meant to invite Jesus Christ into my heart
and have a cuper and bread.
(or more appropriately a glass of wine and bread)
then go for a walk in the field in His strength.
each survivor has a story of how you overcome denial
or how you survive whilst remaining in denial.
Symptoms of csa
even before csa memories surface
or whilst csa memories are locked away
symptoms are observable
inner confusion
see Alienation below
I was abondonded during csa
so many times in my life I felt alone.
I remember longing to meet someone who understood me.
sadly I have often
been abondonded by professionals
who were providing counseling for a time..
some mis understood me
some were great but they moved on or retired
or they reached the limit of their training.
a list of issues
my apologies for listing issues without references which I am obliged to add
Finding help and support
When I commenced my journey of recovery
I fund it difficult to find or access support.
it was before I had access to the internet.
I rang service after service
I was referred from service to service to dead end.
today there are more services
some more publicised than others
- Phone lines
- Internet sites of support services
- I learnt about the existance of
sexual assault units in regional hospitals.
Google search words:
- sexual abuse counseling
- sexual trauma
- sexual abuse support services
Support services web sites:
Developing inner strength and resiliance
once again this dimension has sub dimensions
and alternatives
Which strategies work for us?
sometimes survivors have opposite strategies.
some survivors have secular approaches
especially if religion is triggering
most secular therapists discourage accessing memories
though many survivors do develop means of coping
and a resolve to regain power over ones life.
whilst I try to be sensitive to the fact that many survivors were sexually abused in religious institutions
and whilst I have a zero tolerance of such a betrayal of trust
I can only be true to my life experience that my church was one of my main safe places.
it really infuriates me that some survivors found it unsafe.
I support Mandatory reporting by Clergy and church leaders.
*** trigger warning
this is my story it contains religious references
if you find this triggering I understand
but for your safety please stop here and read other issues
or write out your strategies for building up your strength and resolve.
on the other hand I trust you will understand I need to tell my story
and to include the faith dimension.
for to be true to myself and to you
I can do no other.
I tell my soul to hope in God.
as I put my hope and trust in God I find hope lifts me out of depression.
I pray for God to give me strength - accessing traumatic memories is tough
one therapist said he'd only let me access traumatic memories because my Pastor is praying for me
I find God's powerful love casts out fear ( ie trauma)
many survivor helpline services ensure callers are safe
some use grounding techniques.
commonality - don't take on traumatic memories without support and preferably a sexual assault counsellor
and / trauma release therapy.
( see interdisciplinary trauma release therapy. )
a healthy diet
physical exercise or sport
music or art or theatre affirm our humanity.
any strategy which assists us to see our self worth.
I find my self worth in my belief that God created me for a purpose.
in this context csa was an interruption.
I find applied redemptive theology very helpful.
some find psychology alone is supportive
being a survivor of very early csa that has it's own dynamics
being pre cognative
so prayer and remedial (trauma release) massage are relevant
as most of my memories are right brain and body memories.
survivors of csa at say 8 or 14 and adult survivors of sexual assault in adulthood
I assume have more cognative memories.
handing back the abusers guilt
it's not my guilt
the abuser committed the crime - I'm handed it back.
just as if I see a person walking in front of me drop a $20 bill
I pick it up
but it's not mine
I return it to it's owner walking in front of me.
self regulation
regaining self control
resiliance to being destracted by intrusive memories
needs to be further explained
psychological impacts
long term impacts of child sexual abuse
PTSD details to come
impacts on short term memory
impacts on long term memory
symptoms and impacts vary from survivor to survivor
In my first year of Sociology
I learnt that alienation is composed of:
normlessness, meaningless, powerlessness.
for me as a survivor
during csa I experienced powerlessness ( abusers are often in positions of authority and abuse their power )
csa was outside my "real world"
finding resolution
as memories surface
or memories are triggered
or questions arise
I seek to find resolution
or find resolutions
I need to write up methods later
wit references
the power of forgiveness
forgiveness took away what might have been
overwhelming bitterness and resentment
jumping from issue to issue
My reason for writing this grid of issues
was not only to identify issues we face
but to highlight the randomness of the surfacing of the issues.
I find as I go through life
as I walk along my road of recovery
as I am dealing with an issue
another random issue becomes the issue needing attention.
I have placed the acknowledgement that I find I am
jumping from issue to issue in this place on the page
to highlight how this process is non sequencial.
sometimes as one issue begins to be resolved
another issue that the first issue was holding back
demands attention.
other times an issue is triggered by something in the present.
a word, a sight or sound or smell.
there may be other reasons why one jumps from issue to issue.
sword of abuse
partly a mystery
a conceptualisation
could it be the sword of cruel words?
could it be the bodies auto pleasure
being thrust into the pain
a toxic mix
I found the sword of abuse
whatever it is
wounded me
I needed first aid
the removal of the sword of abuse
(like removing a splinter deep down)
the wound to be washed
healing balm applied
self loathing
self loathing is an issue for many survivors
a sence of worthlessness
our self esteem needs to be built up
there is much more to this
more later
may survivors report
being sexualised during csa.
It is quite overwhelming
to be
involuntarlary sexualised
before puberty.
I need to add referances
and links.
I feel that if one can
be sexualised during csa
then hypothetically
during recovery
I could be desexualised.
(use backspace to return here)
this is not something for may survivors
to consider as it may have sub issues
or not worth the effort
what it means may be different
these are complex matters
which often have sub sets
and many variables.
when not sexually traumatised
when not vulnerable to
triggered memories
sex is a part of life
sex is meant to be enjoyable.
What is sexualisation?"
is a complex question.
the kind of issue
discussed on a forum
or with a therapist.
seeking Justice
remedying the injustice
recovering costs
recovering lossses
the pain
csa leave one in pain
numbing out
or numbing the pain
is symptomatic of the pain
or numbing out to get relief from the pain
or numb the pain.
finding alternatives to numbing out
dealing with addictions
finding better coping mechanisms
knowing what to avoid
to protect oneself from being retraumatised
boundry building
sexual confusion
various combinations of the
sex of the abuser
and the sex of the survivor
can leave one confused
asking embarrasing questions
best only discussed between survivors
and trauma informed counselors
see also sexualisation
another issue is sexuality.
survivors are vulnerable to being revictimised
this is an area where we need support to build resiliance
to be less vulnerable to revictimisation
abusers may exploit patterns of previous grooming
or previous compliance or obligation
as children we were powerless
as adults we can undo past grooming
we become more aware
more to be written