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Multi Dimensional Model 

Where my response validates your response

 The model is designed to accomodate  triggered responses 

     without invalidating other's responses.


the model avoids generalities

   let us not argue from the specific to the general

whilst one expects clusters to appear

          there would be multiple clusters where there are points of commonality

            where members differ on other scales and dimensions.    


 The model is undergirded by philosophy

Every response has a place on a scale

 every response has an   opposite response  and in between responses


Non predictive

The model is designed

to follow the survivor

without using statistics predictively.




 on a scale of pre sexual abuse would you rate yourself as

    male heterosexual female heterosexual LGBTIQ  or +

 the response would go on ones dimension for each gender


Questions such as  'Did sexual abuse affect your sexuality"?     yes or no   each going to its own dimesnsions and scales

how do you define your sexuality now

           H LGBTIQ+ 

           or self defining   eg  heterosexual with  right brain re experiencing of  male on male sexual abuse ( would go to a new dimension)

                                                 eg  intrusive memories

                                                       confusing feelings



 Programmers -  I suggest optional sub routines

eg   nature of the sexual abuse ( see below)


all responses might go to questions about right brain re- experiencing




An example attitudes to religion

What is your response to the term "religion ? "


Each response would go to it's own dimension and sub dimensions from position of a scale

Anger and rage

goes to scales and dimensions

eg  Do you blame God?

    Where you sexually abused

by a Priest or religous leader?


did a religous institution fail to protect you?


did it cover up the abuse?


 open ended questions

     for free flow




without triggered responses

eg  religion doesn't exist

no interest


Positive response

Directed to scales and dimensions 

eg  personal faith in God

or religous ritual

or both

God helps me

or I need to obey His commandments

or a mix


Optional starting points

Each response goes to its own dimension


Multiple responses are ok

there would need to be links during each dimension.


Opportunity to join

an 8 week programme

run by a support group.


an open ended question


followed by responses

 with links to other responses

with comonalities

A desire to recover

eg tired of intrusive memories

(flash backs)

wanting my life back

 smilar responses

A desire to change

eg to resolve the cause / trigger of  anger

or to heal the source of the pain

  to break an addiction

    eg addictions to numb the pain.


or to not be overwhelmed

or addicted to

 the perp triggered auto body pleasure system


a memory bubble surfaces

raising questions

and issues to explore

Don't try to fix me

to survive

to thrive

fix me

heal me

To recover

to recover

to be healed

Are triggers an intrusion or an opportunity 

new dimension 





The wanted, the unwanted , the ambivilant and The in between